
Monday, April 30, 2012

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!!! :D

So,here i was sitting and reading a manga(Japanese comics) when i came across a statement made by the author that literally pushed my brain into deep thinking (more so because i had nothing better to do! -__-).. On a particular page in that manga was written, "Liars feel comfortable when they are in the company of a straightforward person.." O__O

At first i was sure that either I had read the statement wrong else the author must have lost his mind.. Afterall, how can a liar ever be comfortable in the company of a straightforward person? Won't his constant lies to the straightforward person make him feel guilty? However, on a deep analysis, i realized the author might have struck gold with this statement.. I remember once being told by my graduation psychology teacher (Yeah, i had psychology paper in BBA! -__-) that "the world is a reflection of who you truly are inside.." What she meant to say is that we perceive the world as a mere reflection of us.. If we are good, we feel the whole world is good.. If we cheat people then we are always suspicious of other people cheating us.. So, its no wonder that a liar would find solace in the company of a straightforward person because if he knows for sure that this 'straightforward' person is harmless and would never lie (of course he starts believing this notion only after knowing the person long enough), he knows he can lie to his heart content and never get caught because for the straightforward person, the whole world is honest! But does this go on forever? Does the liar keep building castles of lies forever while the straightforward person never realizes his own naivety?

Of course this is not the case.. What liars dont know is that most of the straightforward people are good at catching the lies a liar tells, no matter how professional a liar they may be.. Straightforward people look for those subtle hints that indicate that the person is lying else hiding something.. However, they seldom confront the liar.. Reason? Well,mostly because they either value the person too much and so hope that one day the liar himself/herself would confess all the lies they ever said and sometimes they act innocent because they enjoy the way the liar lies.. They find the lies similar to the bragging of a brat who makes up story to entertain his peers.. And entertaining indeed the straightforward person finds the little harmless lies of the 'innocent' liar..

So,tell me your lies!!! :D


  1. Seriously?

    Whoa! News to me. Awesome write up.

  2. Thanks a lot Subhashree di.. Its a huge compliment coming from someone like you! :)

  3. This article is too good :D:P something i never thought before :-o something i never knew before :-o
